A Change of Heart

Out of the 5,000 heart transplants performed in the United States, Lehigh Hospital performs the most. Built in 1978 in Lehigh, Pennsylvania, it’s the biggest heart transplant facility on the east coast, and located minutes from highway 78. Brandon Bridges is a New Jersey State Trooper, who last year discovered his heart had a hole. Doctors gave him 2 years, if that. But at 7:03 am on July 8th, Brandon hit the lottery. A new heart was added to the query. And it would be his. Tears of joy rolls from his eyes as family and friends circle his bed and exchange warm hugs. They even hug the doctor.

After a few jokes about the hospital food and no longer having to eat it, Brandon wipes the remaining tears from his face, smiles and says, “Can’t thank you enough Doctor Robertson. I owe you my life.” The Doctor waives him off and instead gives credit to probability and how many others aren’t as fortunate. He also mentions faith and encourages Brandon to thank whatever God he prays to. Brandon declines. “I don’t believe in God. If there was a God he wouldn’t put me here.” He frowns. “But I believe in doctors. I can see and touch them. But I can’t see and touch God.” The doctor nods respectfully and changes the subject. He details what’s next, draws on a chart, then points to his own chest, using words too big for any of them to follow. But they pretend and nod as if they do. When he finishes, Brandon’s dad raises his hand.

“So Doc, who’s the heart from?”, he says. Brandon makes eye contact with his wife, his brother makes eye contact with him, and his uncle makes eye contact with the doctor. The doctor smiles and praises a family out of Newark, New Jersey. Something about Jehovah Witnesses not normally doing what they just did. But that the young man, after living a life of gang violence, and feeling guilty for those he’s hurt, decided to offer his heart to science, despite his family disowning him, and after being told the bullet wound he suffered could take his life. And it did. Brandon’s dad raises his hand again. “I see. And ok with you, I have another question. What’s this kid’s name, Doc?” Everyone in the room looks at his father and then the Doctor. The kid’s name was Bokim Johnson. “A black man? You’re giving my son the heart of a black man?”. Brandon’s father erupts. “I’d rather the heart of a pig, before ever signing off on this bullshit”. He slaps the tall glass window behind him as Brandon’s best friend restrains him. The doctor warns the family they’d be forced to leave if this continues. The room goes silent.

“Not sure what’s going on here. But then I do”, the Doctor says. “I will step out for 15 minutes. But when I return a decision is needed. Non-negotiable”. He then turns to Brandon. “Young man, please know all hearts turn black once they stop beating”. The doctor taps him on the thighs gently, pushes a few buttons on his monitors, and then exchanges stares with each person in the room before finally exiting.
