Unsubscribe Me

I’ve gotten numerous emails with the option to subscribe or unsubscribe. The infamous “click here, if yes”, button. The method, though, is funny to me. Because in the 1990’s—long before the internet—testosterone charged boys did the same. Whenever they liked a girl, they’d reach for paper and publish perhaps, one of the most unromantic lines in literary history:

“Keisha, would you go with me?”

Nevertheless, those Romeo’s were marketing geniuses. They’d even add intricate graphs to their letters—empty squares revealing the word “yes”, and then, other squares, right beside those, with the letters “N-O”. To those who are Generation Alpha you wouldn’t understand.

Yet, what do squares and subs and liking a girl, say about faith in God? It says everything. If a person doesn’t know their worth, they’ll likely subscribe to anything, and then realize later, that unsubscribing, is damn hard. Furthermore, the words “will you go with me” is interesting in this setting. Because really, will you go, is all that God cares about. But then so does the Devil. Therefore, unsubscribe from the notion that your life is basic. It is far from it. 24/7 there is a war over who gets to you first.


Apples are for those Below


Love You to the Moon & Back