I find vision interesting. Because it is the window to the soul. What a person can see, matters a lot. To appreciate Mount Everest requires sight. To appreciate LeBron or a child’s painting requires the same. In fact, we value vision so much, that we allow even doctors to laser our eyeballs. Then there’s contact lenses. Just putting them on is interesting. And then there’s eye glasses—a million dollar industry. Lens Crafters, pretty much does what its name says, craft lenses. Simple. And each Saturday people line their doors, and do so, all in the name of VISION! People have a strong desire to see.
But, what happens when vision is lost inwardly? The answer is simple: anxiety. Or, in this case, INxiety. A condition where the spirit cannot properly see—causing life to appear blurry. And sadly, there’s no PPO for spiritual glaucoma. And, to put it into context, spiritual blindness, is just as dangerous, as the DMV granting licenses, to people unable to recite line 7 :
F - E - L - O - P - Z - D
And if the person who can’t read line 7 is a danger to society, what’s the difference then with the person who can’t read inwardly? Reality is, people all around us are constantly ready to crash out. They have a strong desire to see, but yet can’t. However, if they had people able to “craft” spiritual lenses on their behalf, they would enjoy all the colors life provides. After all, the heart is a “deep ocean”, the Proverb says, “but a person with great understanding can pull from it”.
In other words, anxiety is first solved, not by pills, although pills have its place, but instead, by talking with someone in high regard. Typically, such a person, at one time or another, should had been as blind as you! Or else, the talk reduces to the blind leading the blind.