Don’t Drive High

I saw an interesting billboard yesterday in Arizona. It read, “If you are high, don’t drive”. Now, on the surface that seems like solid advice—driving impaired needs no explanation. Yet, as the billboard entered my review, I then thought, “Wait. Reading impaired is also impossible”. Which then means the billboard only is useful to those who are sober. But then that’s like offering dentures to people with full sets of teeth. The message actually looses its bite.

Moreover, if the warning is to avoid driving altogether, why glue the information 60 feet in the air, along highway such and such, in the middle of the Navajo Dessert, where now, in order to see the Ad, technically requires driving—the very thing the Ad says not to do. I laughed. And then concluded that the billboard was just as impaired as the people it intended to target.


Life on the Line
