Avoiding Marital Abuse

I never knew marriage could create countless definitions for one-ness. To some it’s sharing the last slice of pizza. To others it’s the last slice, but never the last brownie. And finally there’s those who don’t share at all. Nevertheless, each group believes that their version of one-ness excels. But does it really?

To me marriage more reassembles the NFL and when teams dispute 4th and inches. A system settles the argument: the chains. However, both teams must agree that the chains rule. Or else, one team will request a garden hose, while the other, PVC pipping. Today this is the problem with one-ness, two people NOT agreeing on a standard grounded in truth, and where, neither side suffers abuse.

For Christians this is Christ! Rejecting him is like rejecting the chains. And is exactly what led to my own divorce. My ex-wife chose materialism (PVC Pipping) to measure what one-ness means to her. And elsewhere, I used a garden hose, missing the mark, as well. The point is any time a spouse chooses “self” over “other”, this promotes marital abuse. After all, it’s the person who “refreshes others”, the proverb says, “who will themselves be refreshed”.


Having Differences

